Remembering Bill Willis
(by Fred Krock):

(by Fred Krock):
Bill and I did not become acquainted until our junior year in High School. He came from Peabody elementary school and I came from Rogers. Kids from Rogers tended to stick together even through high school.
got into our share of mischief. Bill had obtained a chemistry lab still. We
tried to make vodka from potatoes. Bill named the resulting product “Old
Willis.” It produced a strong impact but
unfortunately it always tasted like rotten potatoes.
even shared a girl friend briefly. She was a class mate whose family returned to
Tulsa shortly
after she graduated. She eventually chose Bill over me. She made very clear to
Bill and me that if this interfered with our friendship, she would never speak
to either of us again.
and I stayed in contact over the years. My wife and I visited him in New York and in Geneva. One of his children lives in San Francisco so this led
to a number of dim sum lunches and Italian dinners.
following text is a draft of an obituary that will be published by Columbia University.
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J. Willis, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Columbia University, died at his home in Dobbs Ferry, NY on Thursday, November 1st. Willis was 80.
He is survived by his wife Lindsey Willis, and his children Catherine Willis
Gildor, Christopher Willis, Thomas Willis, Andrew Jay Willis, and David
was a towering presence in the development of particle physics, with a career
encompassing nearly the entire history of the field. His contributions ranged
from pioneering studies of parity violation at the Brookhaven Cosmotron in 1957
to this year's discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
He is the author of 357 publications, but that impressive output does not begin
to measure his impact, for he was a true renaissance figure who influenced the
development of particle physics, nuclear physics and accelerator
received both his undergraduate (1954) and graduate (1958) degrees from
University. He worked at
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) before joining the Yale faculty in 1964. In
1973 he moved to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, where he worked for 17 years before
coming to Columbia as the Eugene Higgins Professor of
Physics. He was also head of the Center for Accelerator Physics (1990-1991) and
an Assistant Director (1994-2010) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
work was characterized by deep insight into both the outstanding scientific
questions of the day and the advances in
necessary to investigate them. A particular example was his early and prescient
advocacy of hermetic detectors relying in precision electromagnetic and hadronic
calorimeters. Early efforts in this direction led to the first observations of
jets at the CERN ISR in 1983. His
continuous involvement in the intervening years led to the development of the
ATLAS experiment at the LHC, one of the most sophisticated and powerful
scientific experiments ever built, which shared in the discovery of the Higgs
boson in July of this year.
addition to these fundamental advances in particle physics, Willis made seminal
contributions to nuclear physics, specifically in establishing the case for and
the methods to investigate collisions of heavy nuclei at relativistic energies
as a means of searching for new forms of matter. He worked with Columbia
University Professor and Nobel Laureate T.D. Lee to promote this new field of
physics, both in early investigations at Brookhaven and CERN, and in building the case for the Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which began operations at BNL in 2000. The discovery in 2005 of a new form of
matter at RHIC, the strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma, is directly traceable
to Willis's vision and scientific guidance as chair of the RHIC Technical
Committee in the 1980's.
scientific leadership extended far beyond technical advances and physics
accomplishments. He formed lifelong collaborations with colleagues around the
globe, guiding their career development, suggesting new paths to follow and
providing encouragement. His advice was especially valuable in overcoming
setbacks and in viewing them as new opportunities. Willis's calm and reflective
understanding that progress need not be monotonic played a major role in
evolving the cancellation of the Superconducting Super Collider and the
associated Willis-led GEM
experiment into the U.S. participation in the LHC program. Similarly, he helped
transform the termination of the Isabelle project at BNL into the RHIC facility, and of late had been
instrumental in finding a path forward for neutrino physics in light of the
funding uncertainties for the Deep Underground Science
expertise was recognized and his counsel valued by the world-wide community of
particle physicists. He twice served on the U.S. High Energy Physics Advisory
Panel, was a member of the Panel on Particle Physics of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, and a Member of the Scientific Policy
Committee of the Russian Ministry of Science. In 1993 he was elected to the
Academy of Science. Willis
received the W.K.H. Panofsky Prize of the American Physical Society in 2003 "For
his leading role in the development and exploitation of innovative techniques
now widely adopted in particle physics, including liquid argon calorimetry,
electron identification by detection of transition radiation, and hyperon
was a valued colleague whose wisdom will be sorely missed. He leaves behind both
an extraordinary scientific legacy and a devoted world-wide network of
collaborators who will carry forward his many contributions to modern particle,
accelerator and nuclear physics.
those who wish to make a donation in his memory, the family has suggested two
organizations which were important to him:
Advocacy and Phelps Hospice.
giving to Phelps, please indicate in the "Additional Comments" section that you
would like your donation to be made to "Hospice
Tree of Lights")