Sunday, June 05, 2005

Posting Messages to the FSHS 1950 Class Blog Site

Peg Putnam has extended invitations to the FSHS 1950 Class to become team members of this blog site. Not all of the class members' e-mail addresses are known, and if you did not receive an invitation and wish to become a member, contact Peggy at You may comment on previous postings without becoming a team member, but to post messages to the site you must respond affirmatively to Peg's invitation and establish your blogger username. Thereafter, to post a new message, go to the Blogger Dashboard at (you may be required to sign in and give your chosen password) and click on the green + entitled "new post" to the right of the blue "Fort Smith High School Class of 1950" blog site name. This will take you to the "Fort Smith High School Class of 1950" blog composition screen where you can create a new "posting" by giving it a title and then typing the message. You have the option at the bottom of allowing comments relating to your message. When your message is ready to be posted to the blog site, you should click on the orange rectangle labled "publish post" at the bottom of the screen.

Please remember that the blog site is intended for FSHS 1950 class and family information only.


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